Nueva línea de servilletas de algodón compostable - DALIA TEXTIL - Dàlia 2

Circular economy

Status: Signed


Amount : 12.550€

Yearly interest:  

monthly instalments: 19

Investors: 6

100% 100%

Positive impact generated

Desarrollo de productos a base de materias primas que minimicen el impacto medioambiental.


Financiación de la incorporación al catálogo de productos de DÀLIA HOSTELERIA de nuevas líneas de productos sostenibles y reciclables para el sector HORECA, como servilletas desechables de algodón compostable.

NATURaLL® son servilletas desechables en algodón 100% PURO, tanto para el sector profesional HORECA como para consumidores finales. Todo lo que diseñan y producen lo hacen con pleno respeto al medio ambiente, para ofrecer al mercado un producto 100% natural, ecológico, biodegradable y sobre todo compostable. En NATURaLL® cada día están más comprometidos con la búsqueda de esta filosofía, a la vez que crean nuevas soluciones de diseño capaces de satisfacer todas las tendencias del mercado.



videos of the project

Presentación de los servicios de Dalia (video en catalán)

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Ecrowd is not an investment services company or credit institution and does not participate in any investment guarantee fund or deposit guarantee fund. The investment projects presented on this platform are not subject to authorization or prior supervision by the CNMV or the Bank of Spain, and the information provided by the developers has not been reviewed by these institutions. All funds are deposited on the electronic payments platform LemonWay payment, which is registered with Bank of Spain. The performance of your portfolio depends on the success of each individual project. There is a risk of total or partial loss of the invested capital, not obtaining the expected financial return and limited liquidity. Carefully read the detailed project information before commiting to any investment. By investing in this project, you expressly state you have received, read and accepted the general conditions of Ecrowd Diversification is the optimal strategy for managing your investment portfolio.

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This project is 100% financed and the project details and updates are only accesible to investors that have invested in this project.
This project is 100% financed and the project details and updates are only accesible to investors that have invested in this project.
This project is 100% financed and the project details and updates are only accesible to investors that have invested in this project.
This project is 100% financed and the project details and updates are only accesible to investors that have invested in this project.

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